Nenan Dane ẕaa Deh Zona

Family Services Society

About Nenan

Nenan is a group of dedicated professionals, focused on strengthening healthy families by creating appropriate, child-centered Aboriginal systems of support that honour and meaningfully engage children and families. Our services link directly to the distinct culture, traditional practices and language of each family.

We facilitate change by empowering people to navigate the current system through an aboriginal lens by recognizing the important and significant traditional and cultural foundations unique to the diverse peoples of Treaty 8. Services are based on the needs and goals of First Nations and communities in Northeastern BC.

We effectively develop and support child-centered planning that both prevents children from coming into care and protects children already in care by strengthening systems currently in place.

Nenan’s team is working to empower people to make healthy choices, create and achieve their goals by providing services that bridge identified gaps and supporting communities to enhance their own strengths.